Friday, September 12, 2008

Zero Visibility

Mid-day through our first day here in NYC and Oweghn is having trouble waking up from a much-needed nap. We walk briskly for a few blocks and then we arrive at our destination (great central location for the hotel), the Empire State Building. My friend Makiko of NYC tourism has graciously offered to take me and Oweghn to the top of NYC and so we meet in the 5th Avenue lobby and catch up on things before we head up.

As Oweghn and I had been heading over to the Empire State Building, we had to borrow an umbrella from the front desk as it was raining! Can you believe this? Rain? That is definitely maxing out the humidity but I was thinking we could have left that behind in Oregon. Also, it gets me to thinking about the night's baseball game... Not a good sign.

So we started heading up and ignored the incessant reminders from every single staff member along the long and winding road to the entrance that there was "Zero Visibility." Soon enough, after a speedy ascent, we found out for ourselves.

Oweghn was having a blast jumping through the puddles and taking on the wind gusts up on the 86th Floor Observatory Deck. Makiko and I were trying to see if there would be any breaks where we could show Oweghn just how high we were. After the wind took out both of our umbrellas, we decided to head inside and see if the visibility changed at all by being on the other side of the glass wall. It didn't...

So we headed back down and got Oweghn one of those fun commerative pennies (you know the one that you hand crank and get a flattened penny with the Empire State Building on it?).

We stopped to capture a couple more memories and then, once we determined that the Mets game had not been cancelled, made our way towards Shea. To make things fun, I splurged on a little bike adventure and took the bike-taxi the rest of the way to the train station. Oweghn loved it and it was dry, quick and worth whatever I paid. Enjoy the pics!

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